Blue Cross Blue Shield Association
BCBS Association represents the 38 independently operated BlueCross BlueShield companies. The Blue System is the nation’s largest health insurer covering nearly one-third of all Americans.
Business Challenge
- Prior to the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, the Blues system was navigating major challenges that would redefine how it does business in the future. The health insurance industry as a whole faced sweeping changes brought about by rising healthcare costs, legislative reform, and changing roles for both employers and employees in purchasing health insurance.
- AspireUp was brought in to facilitate a several-month planning process with the 39 CEOs of the BlueCross BlueShield companies. The outputs of the various workgroups and meetings with the full board were: 1) a shared vision of the evolving market and the implications for the Blues, and 2) and a cohesive set of strategic priorities to be adopted by the Blues systemwide.

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